There is a growing demand for web content writers on the internet net because great content often translates into higher revenues for online businesses.Online entrepreneurs/owners depend on these writers for two major issues:
1. Content that would entice and engage visitors, so they stay browsing in the owner’s website. This operates on the premise that visitors who stay longer surfing a particular site [which offer some sort of product/service] will eventually become clients.
2. Content that is keyword smart, meaning composition must contain relevant keywords/phrases [typed by users for searching] associated with the actual site for better Search Engine indexing and ranking.
Additionally, user readability; usability; together with being up-to-date so that the company represented in the site conveys a sense of awareness on what is current and new to the industry in which they are operating are important aspects of quality web content.
The content is like a sales representative or marketing person of the company. Its function therefore is to interact with the visitor to the site about the purchase.
Website content writing aims at two things i.e., relevance and searchability. Relevance means that the meanings represented by texts should be useful and beneficial to readers. Searchability indicates usage of keywords to help ease findings by search engines.